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Let’s Start the New Year Right: 7 Ways to Make a Healthy Fresh Start

It’s never too late to start afresh and turn your life around. With the new year just around the corner, you can consider it as an opportunity to start from a clean slate and ease into new and better routines and healthy habits that will improve your life as a whole.

With that said, you needn’t worry about bringing a lot of changes into your existing lifestyle to achieve wellness. There are many small and simple routines that you can adopt, which will help you live better in the long run. Sounds interesting right? So here are seven healthy habits you should embrace in 2022 for a fresh start in life-

  • Start your day offline

  • For many people out there, staying offline is one of the hardest things to do. Starting your day scrolling through emails and socials, responding to texts and checking your to-do list with eyes half-open is not exactly a relaxing thing to do. This compulsive need to stay connected with your jobs and the outside world during every waking hour takes a toll on your body after a while. 

    If you are truly committed to turning your life around this year, why not start your day by staying offline? Make a conscious effort to not look at your smartphone or laptop to get the latest news or the first mail the minute you open your eyes. 

    Take charge of your morning routines by getting up from the bed, freshening up and taking a sip of Teami Blends detox tea. Try our Teami Blends 30-day detox program and kick start your new year routine with a healthy twist!

  • Commit to physical fitness

  • Being physically fit doesn’t have anything to do with your body shape, but a lot depends on how active you are in your daily life. There is a general misconception that heavily built people are unhealthy, while lean individuals are healthier. Whether you are chubby or slim, your physical health is determined by the dynamic balance between your body's various functions. So, to get fit and strong, you must engage in some kind of activity every day. 

    If you are not one to hit the gym, start by going on long walks. Power walking, jogging, swimming and cycling are some of the fun cardio activities that you can take up to kick start your fitness journey. For that natural energy boost to get you going, don’t forget to sip on Teami Blend Skinny Tea or Teami Boost. Made from 100% natural ingredients, these tea blends will leave you energized, ready to sweat it out and get fit. 

    So this new year, challenge yourself to workout for at least 30 minutes every day and commit to fitness. 

  • Take care of your mental health

  • Your mental health is just as important as your physical health- there are no two ways about it. As long as your mind is in sync with your body and its surroundings, you will be able to navigate life with all your capabilities.

    Mental health is vital for a healthy and happy life. Think about a time in your life when you were stressed and anxious for days. The root cause of your stress may be something related to work, finances or a relationship issue, but soon you will notice it taking over every other part of your life. Stress, anxiety and depression must be taken care of. If you let it fester, soon it will consume your entire being. 

    So how do you take care of your mental health? Start by finding things that give you joy. If you enjoy reading, make it a habit to read at least a few pages before you call it a day. For some people cooking is cathartic rather than a chore; which is why they should cook and indulge in foods they love to eat as much as they can. The first step to releasing pent-up stress is to find something you truly love to do and make time for it every day.

    As social beings, a lot of our happiness is also connected to others around us. So make sure to open up with your friends and family. Talk to them about the hard stuff and ask for help when you need it. Instead of struggling alone, reaching out to your loved ones will help unload a lot of mental strain and help put things in a better light.

    Life is tough. Accept it and do your part to make each day better than the one before.

  • Eat healthy meals

  • A lot of your health and wellness depends on the kind of foods you put into your body. But eating healthy is easier said than done!

    Most of us eat food that tastes good or that can be readily made (or bought). As a result, we end up feeding ourselves junk and wonder why our body is bloated up like a balloon. Eating fast, unhealthy foods often will slowly disrupt our natural metabolism and lead to cholesterol buildup. 

    If you are a person whose daily routines are framed around eating out or having pre-packaged/pre-cooked meals, this is the time to break that habit. Start small- like eating more fresh-cut salads and drinking more water. As you feel comfortable with the idea of eating home-cooked meals, pencil in some time for food preparation and cooking into your daily schedule. There are numerous simple and healthy dishes that you can cook at home and enjoy during the weekdays. Check out these recipes online and make an effort to eat home-cooked meals.

    Along with your new and improved food habits, start taking a cup of Teami Colon tea to maintain a healthy gut and improve your digestion. If you really want to take your healthy meals to the next level, you can also add Teami greens superfood supplements to your smoothies to ensure better fiber and nutrient intake.

  • Take a break and unwind

  • Our generation glorifies being busy. If a person has a stressful nine to five job and still manages to run a side hustle, he or she is considered a champion in life. While achievements like these must be celebrated, we all tend to overlook the many doubts, anxiety over failure and sleepless nights that may have fueled the win. Living by the ideology that the busier and more overwhelmed we are is what makes us awesome will ultimately lead to burnout and breakdowns. 

    There is no need to stay busy to feel validated. On the other hand, learning to take a breather and unwind will help you stay level-headed in the long run. Taking care of yourself, and spending some alone time to collect your thoughts will re-energize your brain for the days ahead.

    To unwind, find an activity that helps you calm down. Keep your gadgets away and take a bubble bath, walk along the beach or listen to some music that you enjoy. These simple, inexpensive things will definitely help you calm your worries and bring clarity to the things that give you the courage to move forward.

    If you need a little more push in the right direction, you can turn to Teami Restore, a unique restorative supplement that is designed to help you unwind and de-stress, by supporting the natural balance of your body and mind.

  • Vow to be a lifelong learner

  • To be a lifelong learner is the best way to stay grounded in life. There are many things out there in the world that we don’t know about. So why learn something new that has caught interest?

    As we grow old, we lose focus and our mental capabilities are reduced. Learning a new language, skill or craft is a wonderful way to challenge our mind and keep it sharp. Today, many expert psychotherapists recommend learning a new subject or skill as a way to activate and engage high-level cognitive processes, which will help people regain and retain their mental faculties as they age.

    Learning something new is like a brain workout. To help you focus better, sip on Teami Focus tea and start learning!

  • Practice gratitude

  • Last but not the least, be grateful for everything and everyone you have in your life. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that is a cornerstone to human health and well-being. Being able to focus on what’s good in our lives and being thankful for them is the ultimate attitude you need to develop and nourish for a better tomorrow.

    Gratitude doesn't need to be verbally expressed; in fact, it is better expressed through actions. When you feel thankful, blessed or humbled in life, share the warmth of that feeling with others by being there for them. If your good fortune can be used to help others or even brighten someone else’s day, don’t hesitate to take that step. 

    Being grateful for what you are and what you have is undoubtedly the ultimate key to peace and happiness in life. 

    New year, new you!

    With 2022 just days away, imbibe these seven healthy habits to be a better version of yourself. To make this wellness journey more effective and meaningful, join hands with Teami Blends and try our tea-infused, 100% natural products. Visit our website today to make a purchase.