Different Sources of Vitamin C

Different Sources of Vitamin C

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With the new year approaching, it’s the perfect occasion for us all to take a good long look at our overall health and well-being and maybe even reevaluate our lifestyle. The biggest roadblock we face is finding the motivation to simply start. All changes can be made, big or small, and they can be effective. Looking to start small, cutting out one product from a daily diet or adding one that acts as a healthy alternative is a great solution. Wanting to make drastic changes involves removing entirely unhealthy foods; this method can be effective but hard to maintain. Another obstacle is making sure to stay on track and staying consistent. It's easier to implement change in our lives by doing things bit by bit; otherwise, we don't give ourselves the time to adjust our minds and bodies to a new routine/lifestyle. Nowadays, we’re becoming more and more cautious of what we put in our bodies and finding new ways to improve our health. It brings forward questions such as: Do we have a well-balanced diet? Are our bodies getting all the proper vitamins? Are we taking the right supplements? Vitamin C, for example, is one of the most commonly consumed vitamins and is essential for our body’s function. It is crucial for its many health benefits for the immune system. It’s equally important to understand the signs that our bodies require more of this vitamin to avoid developing any deficiencies. 


Luckily there are a lot of alternatives for people to choose from to increase their Vitamin C. We have alternative options past the traditional ways of fruits and vegetables like powdered supplements that can be added to our drinks, chewable gummies, pills we can ingest and so many more. 

Taking a daily dose of vitamin C is great for many reasons such as improving your immunity, preventing iron deficiency, and even the production of collagen. Did you know that Vitamin C has a big role in the production of collagen in the body? Without the production of collagen, you wouldn’t be able to maintain healthy gums, teeth, skin, support nail or hair growth, etc. When we get sick, people may suggest drinking orange juice or trying home remedies such as lemon ginger tea; this is because it contains citrus which is high in Vitamin C. Consuming Vitamin C when sick or when we know we are going to be sick may help reduce the length of a common cold. When it comes to iron deficiency, the easiest signs to notice are cold hands/feet, extreme fatigue, and an unusual craving for ice. In this case, Vitamin C works by helping your body absorb iron better.


We have to understand the main role of Vitamin C to find out whether or not we require it.

Vitamin C is a mineral that’s essential for our bodies to maintain a certain level of health. Due to its antioxidant properties, its role is to help prevent cell damage and keep them healthy. Dry hair, bleeding gums, irritability, and fatigue are all signs of a Vitamin C deficiency. In severe cases, people can experience bleeding gums and anemia. 

A long time ago, Vitamin C deficiencies were known as scurvy; Pirates would experience these problems due to the lack of nutrients they received. Going for long periods without any fresh fruits or vegetables is what leads to this deficiency. The daily amount we should be consuming is 75mg for women and 90mg for men, with a maximum limit of 2,000 mg daily. Anything more than that if taken in large amounts could cause the following symptoms:







When deciding if supplements might be something you wish to explore, it’s important to understand them and what kind of effects they might have. Consulting a professional for a second opinion is always a good idea as we wouldn’t want to start taking something that could potentially harm us. Once you’ve learnt about the supplements and decided what kind of health benefits you’re looking for, it’s easier to choose which ones to buy. For example, if you want to improve your sleep, a supplement that contains magnesium is ideal since it’s known as a great sleep aid due to its calming effects. 

If you want to increase your Vitamin C, a variety of options is available, especially if you don’t like citrus fruits. When we hear Vitamin C we automatically think of oranges, however, they are not the only food that contains this vitamin. Other fruits such as strawberries, kiwis, and grapefruits are great alternatives. Even vegetables like white potatoes, cabbage,  brussels sprouts, and tomatoes are all high in Vitamin C.

While some may think supplements are a necessity, others will disagree. At the end of the day, we do what is best for our bodies. During the coming year, let's all take a moment to think of ways we can improve our overall health. Write down five things we would want to improve in our lives and make it happen. Since our body is not able to naturally produce this type of vitamin, we need to stay on top of consuming these vitamins to help our body reach its full potential. 

Adding it to your diet doesn't have to be difficult. You can do it through baking, cooking, or simply incorporating more Vitamin C-rich foods in your morning smoothies.


The world is moving towards a healthier time - people are more informed and are taking an active interest in what they buy. More and more we see companies offering up healthy alternatives such as plant-based and sugar-free options, for example. There's a certain level of effort put in when researching the best ways to improve our lifestyle; maybe it's deciding what foods are healthiest, different nutrition plans, etc. We don't buy a product based on someone's words alone anymore; instead, there is now also a need for proven facts and detailed explanations. When was the last time you read the label on the products you bought?

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